hair loss in women

Causes of Hair Loss

Although hair loss seems like a more significant problem among men, women are nearly as likely to experience hair falling out and a thinning hairline as well. The good news is that there are plenty of solutions for you to turn to if you are experiencing hair loss. Your hair doctor, or dermatologist, can help you come up with a plan to promote natural hair growth and scale back baldness.

Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Although men’s hair usually recedes from the forehead or the crown of the head, women usually experience hair loss on the top half of their scalp. Although some hair loss is natural, there are certain factors that can cause excessive hair loss.

·   Genetics. If your parents experience baldness, you might be more prone to it, too.

·   Stress. Anything from pregnancy to surgery to daily stress can have an effect on your hair.

·   Hormones. Just like pregnancy can cause hair loss, so can oral contraceptives. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is another imbalance of male and female hormones, which can lead to more hair on your face and body.

·   Thyroid disorder. Your thyroid is the gland that keeps your metabolism and more running smoothly. When your thyroid isn’t working properly, you may experience a variety of problems, including hair loss.

·   Diet. Lack of protein or iron can lead to hair loss. The good news? You can reverse this by adding more iron-rich proteins to your diet.

·   Medical conditions. Alopecia areata, scalp infections, or trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) can contribute to hair loss. Unfortunately, there is no alopecia cure, but treatment is available. The most common alopecia treatment is the use of corticosteroids.

·   Medications and vitamins. An excess of vitamin A can lead to balding. On the flip side, a vitamin B deficiency can have the same effect.

·   Harsh styling. Men and women alike can put a lot of stress on their hair. Hairdryers, curlers, dyes, tight braids, cosmetic chemicals and more can damage hair, causing it to thin out and fall out.

Unfortunately, there is no one reason behind hair loss. Causes can be anything from simple and temporary to something more complex like an underlying health issue.

Hair Loss Prevention

Although you cannot reverse natural balding, there are a number of hair loss solutions and hair growth treatments available for both men and women. Hair loss prevention often depends on the cause. When persistent, it’s always best to consult your dermatologist for hair loss.

·   Regular washing. This keeps your scalp healthy and clean. Be sure to use a mild shampoo.

·   Brush properly. You should apply full strokes from the scalp to the tips to distribute your hair’s natural oil. Be gentle when brushing, and avoid brushing your hair when it’s wet. Instead, opt for a wide-tooth comb on wet hair.

·   Keep your hair natural. Avoid dyes and harsh hairstyles whenever possible. If this is not possible, wait as long as you can between treatments to give your hair time to recover.

·   The FDA has approved Rogaine as an over the counter remedy for hair loss treatment for men and women. Rogaine works to grow hair and prevent hair loss.

Prescription medications such as Finasteride for men and Aldactone for women prescribed by your dermatologist or physician.

If you are experiencing sudden or excessive hair loss, consider making an appointment to see your doctor. Some conditions may not respond to home remedies for hair loss and will require treatment of the underlying medical cause. Always keep in mind that treatment takes time and can take up to a year to improve. 

At Castle Dermatology, we are able to evaluate the type of hair loss and prescribe the appropriate medications based on the diagnosis. In addition to the prescription oral medications, we also have a compounded topical product for hair thinning that is very effective. 

We also carry different combinations of supplements and shampoos and conditioners in strengthening the hair follicles. 

Besides medications, we also offer Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) as well as Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) combined with the different modalities of treatments in combating hair loss and promoting new growth.