Medical Dermatology - Rosacea

Rosacea is believed due to vascular instability leading to a chronically red-appearing face, especially around the nose and cheeks. Often, there are periods of flushing an excess redness when the affected area is exposed to certain triggers. Such triggers are:

  • sunlight

  • ingestion of alcohol

  • spicy foods

  • hot drinks

  • emotional instability / anxiety

  • heat

This appearance can be quite socially disturbing to the affected individual. If the rosacea goes untreated, there can be rosacea-induced acne, or bumpy glandular changes of the nose, cheeks, or chin. Styes often present in those affected with rosacea.

The treatment of rosacea includes topical/oral antibiotics and other various topical preparations that may include sulfur, sodium sulfacetamide, azeleic acid, or greenish cosmetics. While there is no cure for rosacea, the facial appearance may be improved with use of any of these topical agents, and may be enhanced with laser therapy. The current gold standard for removal of the redness and blood vessels is LASER therapy.