Cosmetic Dermatology Procedures - Chemical Peels
Superficial Chemical Peels
Chemical peels are an important adjunct to skin care. Chemical peels maximize and expedite the results that can be achieved through skin care. Chemical peels will smooth and soften your skin, brighten your complexion, minimize pore size, and reduce discoloration. Some patients have also noted an improvement in fine wrinkles.
Glycolic acid and TCA peels are very popular because they work actively to reduce the problems of acne prone skin, acne scars, dry and oily skin, photo damaged skin, age spots, pigment irregularities, and fine wrinkles.
Medium Depth Chemical Peels
Medium depth chemical peels create an injury that extends through the epidermis and affecting the superficial portion of the dermis. This category of peels includes higher concentration of TCA peels (35% – 50%,) solution and carefully applied 88% phenol. In proper hands, these peels are very effective for the conditions that affect the epidermis as well as superficial portion of the dermis. Substantial improvement can be achieved in acne, actinic keratosis, scars, mild to moderate facial wrinkling and, in selected cases, in melasma.
The therapeutic effects of medium depth chemical peels go far beyond what can be achieved with superficial peels and as such are selected for patients who desire substantial results. Unlike following superficial chemical peels, there is partial or complete removal of the epidermis following medium depth peels.
This leads to the initiation of skin healing mechanisms that are partly responsible for achieving final therapeutic and aesthetic results. Such impressive results do not come without increased risks. Skin irritation, infection, scarring, worsening of the treated problem (mostly seen with melasma) as well as pigmentary abnormalities are the most common problems that are seen following mid depth chemical peels.